Covid-19 Information
While Platform Post has deployed the majority of its operation to a home-working environment, our facilities will continue to be open for business where work cannot take place remotely.
Platform's priority is to prevent the spread of the virus and to protect its staff, clients and suppliers. During this unprecedented time, Platform will continue to put the health, safety and wellbeing of its staff and clients at the forefront of all operational decisions.
Please see some important Covid-19 information below.
COVID-19 Self-declaration Form
Due to the ongoing and rapidly changing situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are requiring all who are working in Platform Post's premises to fill out the self-declaration form below.
You must complete this form prior to every visit to Platform Post's premises.
We will decide on access to the premises based on the answers provided.
COVID-19 Health & Safety
Platform Post’s COVID-19 Health & Safety policy will be reviewed regularly and updated whenever any changes in operational procedures occur, whenever Government guidance changes, or whenever risk assessments dictate it.
Please click here to see our COVID-19 Health & Safety document.
COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Our COVID-19 risk assessment has been put together using guidance from World Health Organisation and NHS to ensure the risk assessment is following the latest advice.
Please click here to view our COVID-19 Risk Assessment document.
Our documentation have been put together by Senior Management using guidance from the Government, NHS and our trade body UK Screen Alliance.